
Doctor: International Law

2 Xisanhuan Beilu, Beijing, CN, Beijing China

Program Goals:
Graduates of this program should be familiar with the theories of International Law, especially with the practices and regulations in international trade. They should also know well about China and have international perspective at the same time. They will be able to use English as professional language and both English and Chinese to communicate.

Course content:

国际公法专题 International Public Law
国际私法专题 International Private Law
民法总论 Chinese Civil Law
西方法哲学专题 Western Philosophy of Law
国际贸易法专题 Topics on International Trade Law
WTO法律专题 Legal Topics on WTO
国际法英语阅读 English Reading on International Law
国际商事仲裁法专题 International Business Arbitration Law
国际投资法研究 International Investment Law
国际知识产权法 International Intellectual Property Law
法律英语写作 Legal Writing in English
经济学原理 Principles of Economics
实习及论文写作 Internship and Thesis Writing

Program level: Doctoral Degree
Discipline: Humanities, Law, Social Science
Application fee: ¥800.00 RMB
Tuition: ¥64000.00 RMB/year
Cost of Living: ¥25000.00 RMB/year
Starting Dates:
Submission deadlines: Status:
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