
English-given MPA Program

No. 369 Zhongshan Beiyi Road, Shanghai, P. R. China, 200083

The two-year English-taught MPA program is designed for international students who are interested in Chinese economic transformation and development strategies, like the “One Belt, One Road Initiative”. The MPA degree equips its graduates with skills and knowledge covering a broad range of topics and disciplines relevant to the public sector, such as economics, sociology, political science, and regional planning.


The core curriculum of MPA program includes courses on economics, research methods, statistics, policy analysis, and public management. Instruction includes the roles, development, and principles of public administration, public policy management and implementation. It also includes an internship in public organizations or non-profit organizations, which fit students’ research interests. 

With qualitative and quantitative analytical skills and proficient management skills, MPA graduates are able to serve as managers, executives and policy analysts in the executive arm of local, state/provincial, and federal/national government, and increasingly in non-governmental organization (NGO) and nonprofit sectors.

Program level: Postgraduate Certificate / Master's Degree
Discipline: Business and Finance
Application fee: ¥1660.00 RMB
Tuition: ¥70000.00 RMB/year
Cost of Living: ¥25000.00 RMB/year
Starting Dates:
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