
Top 5 engineering universities in China.

Chinese engineering and technology have experienced a huge development in the last 60 years.

China is home of skilled engineers and technicians across a wide range of disciplines which have played a major role in the development of the national economy and in the improvement of quality of life.

Taking a engineering degree in China can bring you many career advantages: today this country is the largest producer of engineering graduates in the world. Compared to India and China, the United States produces only 70,000 engineering graduates every year. If you’re planning to study engineering, here we have some of the best engineering programs in China. 

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1. Tsinghua University in Beijing.

Tsinghua University is not only the best in China (and Asia) but it’s one of the best university in the world. Since 2015, its degree in engineering and computer science are ranked among the best of the world and their prestige is internationally recognized.

2. Peking University in Beijing.

Among the best engineering programs in China we can’t stop mentioning the ones offered by Peking University. This is a leading university for science research and teaching and has successfully developed applied sciences research and teaching as well. There are 30 colleges and 12 departments, with 93 undergraduate programs, 199 master's degree programs, and 173 options for doctoral candidates. 

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3. Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Shanghai.

This university offers a wide range of engineering programs from Mechanical to Ocean and Civil engineering. With more than 5000 students, the degree in Mechanical Engineering is among the best engineering programs in China.

4. Zhejiang University in Hangzhou.

Zhejiang University is one the oldest and most prestigious university in the country. Under its administration there are 10 State Key Laboratories, 3 National Engineering Labs and 6 National Engineering (Technology) Research Centers at the University.

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5.Fudan University in Shanghai

Last but not least, as member of the C9 League (the Chinese Ivy League), the Fudan University offers some of the best engineering programs in China: from 1996, many students graduate from this university with a degree in Environmental Science and Engineering.

These are just few of the engineering programs in China: this field is becoming popular for international students, especially the programs taught in English are getting more and more wide.

Ready to start your own study abroad journey in China? Explore top schools on Apply For China.