
How to find a job and build a career In China

China’s growing economy and its embrace of globalization

Due to its position of being the second largest economy in the world, China is becoming a popular destination to all foreigners who are seeking job opportunities. It is predicted that it will be on the top of the list in some years.

What China did very well to develop that fast, is to focus on being a global player by attracting foreigners and matching their talents with Chinese ones: thanks to that the number of foreign workers increased from 180.000 to 950.000 since 1996 and is expected to grow even more in a couple of years.

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Overview of the Job Market in China for Expats

There are unlimited number of job opportunities in China for foreigners especially in the biggest cities.

There are typically two scenarios when looking for a job in China. You can either work for a company in your home country that has an office in China (preferred) or look for a job in China once you have already arrived.

If you don’t know where to start in sending CV, here you have some of the best job opportunities in China for foreigners.

1. English teacher.

The more Chinese economy grows, the more the demand of English teacher increases. Indeed, Chinese people are understanding the importance of learning this language and are also ready to pay for it. A professional English teacher can find a teaching job very easily in China, especially if they are from English-speaking countries.

2. Translator.

Even though the number of Chinese people who study English is increasing, currently just 10% of the population can speak it. Companies are always looking for a translator who can speak perfectly both Chinese and English.

3. Engineer.

Despite the great number of engineers graduate from Chinese universities, a foreign face who can think differently is always appreciate and sought-after. If you’re a good computer or mechanical engineer, you can have your best career in China than in other countries.

4. IT & Technology field.

The IT sector is perhaps the fastest growing industry in the world, especially in China where it’s becoming a standard component of everyday life.

With that in mind, the IT industry is always looking for fresh new talent, particularly from overseas, that can help integrate Chinese tech developments with the rest of the world.

5. Communications & Media

Any foreigner living or traveling in China becomes a valuable source of information: they have the advantage of experiencing a new lifestyle and culture through an outsider's eyes. China is becoming more modernized than ever, the need for English content in news, media, and general content-based marketing, is in huge demand.

Beside the ones above, you can also looking for job opportunities in other field such as accountant, sales manager, food and beverage field, tourism, marketing and so much more!

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Job hunting websites:

The most efficient way to look for a job in China is through the web. There are hundreds of websites dedicated to employment abroad in general and employment in China specifically. If you already have a city in mind, focus on the websites displaying job vacancies in that specific city.

With regards to your application, adapt your CV to Chinese standards by emphasize your qualifications and education (employers highly value degrees in China) as well as on your English, Mandarin, and other language skills. Put forward your ambition and your motivation in line with the job you are applying for and attach a cover letter. Typically, applications are sent in English. However, if your Mandarin skills allow it, having your CV and cover letter in Chinese will surely impress your potential employer.

As said above there are many online platforms that will help you in searching your dream job in China. Here you can find some of the most popular ones.

English website:

-       China Job

-       Monster.com.hk

-       ChinaHot

Chinese website:

-       Zhaopin.com

-       51job.com

-       Chinahr

Learn Chinese language:

Chinese companies are in a huge demand of expats staff, however the English level of most Chinese companies is not very pleasing, as an expat if you have good Chinese language skills, your job opportunities will increase.

Our suggestion is to take some time to learn the basic of the language before coming to China and then start a part-time Chinese course when you arrived: study Chinese in China is the most effective way to learn the language and you’ll see your improvement in a very short time. So if you would like to have a longer plan of career in China, it is a must to learn Chinese language. 


Our final suggestions to kick off your professional journey in China is to create a network where you can easily find all the information you need to start.

The embassy of your home country in China to get more information about teaching jobs opportunities. You can also get useful information by contacting the economic missions or chambers of commerce of your country established in China.

Looking for friends or people that are already working in China by joining WeChat and Facebook groups: in this way you can get their help.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for an internship opportunity you should join foreign students groups where this kind of news are shared daily.

Ready to start your own study abroad journey in China? Explore top schools on Apply For China.