
The ultimate guide to Jasmine Jiangsu government scholarship

Every year, the Chinese institutions provides scholarships for international students. As you already might know there are 3 macro-groups of scholarships in China: 

-          CSC scholarships

-          Confucius institute scholarships

-          Provincial Scholarships (or local government scholarships).

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Chinese local government scholarships are sponsored by Chinese Universities in co-operation with Chinese provincial government and in some cases China Scholarship Council.

This article will focus on the last group, in particular it will focus on Jiangsu government scholarship. 

To promote the development of international students’ education in Jiangsu Province, increase the international attractiveness of Jiangsu higher education, create a “Study in Jiangsu” brand and above all to make Jiangsu a main destination for international students in China the Jiangsu Provincial government has created the “Jasmine Jiangsu Government Scholarship”. But to who is it for?

-          To all the excellent foreign students who desire to undertake full-time study in universities and colleges in Jiangsu Province.

-         Non-degree program students and exchange students in accordance with educational exchange agreements and MOUs between the Jiangsu Provincial Government and the governments of other states, institutions, universities and international organizations.pic 2.jpg

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To apply Jiangsu government scholarship applicants must meet the following requirements:

-          Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health.

-          Applicants for both the college and undergraduate programs must hold a senior high school diploma with a good academic performance and be under the age of 30.

-          Applicants for the master’s degree program must hold a bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.

-          Applicants for the doctoral degree program must hold a master’s degree and be under the age of 40.

-          Applicants must agree to obey the relevant laws of the PRC and meet the admission requirements of the host universities or colleges.

-          Applicants must have a good academic record.

-         Applicants cannot be recipients of other scholarships offered by the Chinese government, local governments or other organizations simultaneously.

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As CSC scholarships, also the Jasmine Jiangsu government scholarship offers both a fully-founded and partial type of scholarship.

To apply, applicants must prepare some documents such as: scanned copy of passport, highest diploma, academic transcript, recommendation letters (English or Chinese) and other documents required by university. Once all the documents are prepared, candidates can go to the “Study in Jiangsu” website, register their account, complete the application form and sign it and then send it (with the other documents) to the Jasmin Jiangsu government scholarship email.

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