
Can International Students Work Part Time in China

Often we’re asked how a China student visa works and whether this kind of visa gives to international students in China the right to find a job and start working.  

In many countries there are very strict rules about whether international students can work while studying. For example, in Australia students can work 40 hours for fifteen day during semester and full time during the holidays.

Initially, international students in China have been unable to work during their studies, and foreign citizens have been unable to get a working visa without at least two years of post-study work experience overseas, making it almost impossible for international students in China to transition to a working visa at the completion of their studies.

The Chinese government has made many changes about this topic but it seems that international students in China are allowed to work part-time or take part to internships after the approval of the academic institution. 


Working can be a great way to get additional experience and enhance your employability or find opportunities for after you graduate. It is your responsibility to check and ensure that you comply with all the latest requirements and updates as they can happen frequently. 

On the other hand, students who want to work independently from the university or work on their own in China, they need first to earn an internship or job, then apply to another type of VISA. This is the only way. Some students take the risk and try to work illegally in China but it’s extremely dangerous and you can even get deported.

This new development adds to the growing list of factors making China more attractive to global applicants as well. 

As the country grows more economically prosperous, higher education sector as well is becoming popular among the future prospective of international students worldwide. For those who can speak Chinese this can greatly enhance the attractiveness for opportunities.


In 2016, 440,000 students made their way to China for their study abroad adventure, a 35% increase since 2012. If you are planning to be in China for a while, it is a good idea to focus on learning Chinese at the start, and then you can put your Chinese skills to use in a practical setting later.
International students in China can find jobs or career opportunities through the university, online or through networking events where they’re going to have the chance to meet new people and make themselves known by sharing their resume. 

Ready to start your own study abroad journey in China? Explore top schools on Apply For China.