
Masters in China for International Students

Master’s degree is the second stage of higher education. You can enter a master’s degree only after completing a bachelor’s or specialist’s degree. Master’s degree in most of the countries last 2-3 years. At its end, the graduate must defend his master’s thesis and pass the state exam. Masters in China last 2-3 years and it can be a unique and a great self-growing experience.

Masters in China can have different duration and different modalities. Usually, the duration is 2 years of postgraduate in English and 3 in Chinese. According to your language skills you’ll choose the program that most suit you:  

English. Studying in English will be more comfortable for you but to prove your language skill, the university will ask you an official language certification such as IELTS or TOEFL. Another pro is a shortened period of study, two years against three in Chinese. However, please remember that masters in China are taught by a Chinese professors, for whom English will be as “non-native” as for you. The quality of knowledge may suffer from this. 


Chinese. If you choose to start Chinese taught master program you must have an HSK certificate to apply, minimum level 5 (some universities also accept level 4 but with high score). In addition, you also need a standard list of documents: a completed application form, a copy of the diploma of higher education and applications, recommendation and motivation letters, photos, sometimes a medical certificate and any other documents that will make you look more competitive in the eyes of the Selection Committee. 


Even though at first you’ll have to deal with a total different culture and with the language barriers, the value of the degree can only be assessed once it is received: the main advantage of your Chinese diploma is not only on your academic curriculum but it’s also the great experience you’ve done. Masters in China have the purpose to educate you and they also give you the chance of first-hand work and life experiences: you will not only know a rare and popular language now, to have a specialty, but also have very important skills for the modern world.  Indeed, the experience of living in another country, especially in China, makes a person very flexible and versatile. China will teach this and much more. And, given the level and speed of development of economic and political relations with China, you will have more chance to find job as soon as you graduate. 

Ready to start your own study abroad journey in China? Explore top schools on Apply For China.