
Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT) – 北京化工大学

Beijing, China

QS Ranking: 0

Founded: 1958

Type: University

Total Students: 25739+


Beijing University of Chemical Technology , colloquially known in Chinese as Beihua (北化, Běihuà) or Huada (化大, Huàdà), is a technological university in mainland China. BUCT was founded in 1958 and is affiliated with the Ministry of Education. As a member university of the Project 211, BUCT has developed from an institution of scientific specialties to a more comprehensive university, with a curriculum including liberal arts.

In the last decade alone, BUCT has made considerable strides in the core fields of science and technology as well as integrating the academic disciplines of management, economics, law, the liberal arts, education and medicine to its curriculum and comprehensive outlook. 


The university is located in the Chaoyang District of Beijing, China. Chaoyang is known for its art districts, shopping centres, restaurants, and nightlife. It is also home to Beijing’s Central Business District. The university’s four campuses, North, East, West, and Nankou, are spread across the district. 

The university has a total of 14 colleges offering 51 undergraduate courses and 96 masters degree programmes. Although it specialises in the fields of engineering, science and technology, the university also provides students with the opportunity to study economics, law, literature, management and many other disciplines. 

The student body is home to over 400 international students. This is a direct result of the university’s partnerships with 107 universities around the world. The university has established more than 40 study abroad programmes for students including academic exchanges, joint training programmes, summer camps, overseas internships, and international conferences and competitions. 

Academic and scientific research at the university has developed rapidly in recent years. It now ranks at the forefront of Chinese universities in terms of producing research that helps China’s economic and social development. The National University Science and Technology Park was created to aid this research and enrich teaching in the fields of science and technology.

School library
School library

15 Beisanhuan East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, CN, Beijing China

Top Disciplines

Based on total number of programs

Avg Cost of Tuition/Year ¥35000.00 RMB
Cost of Living/Year¥25000.00 RMB
*Application Fee¥500.00 RMB
*Charged once for each program
Estimated Total/Year¥60500 RMB
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Application Fee: ¥500.00 RMB
Postgraduate Certificate / Master's Degree
Application Fee: ¥500.00 RMB
Postgraduate Certificate / Master's Degree
Application Fee: ¥500.00 RMB
Postgraduate Certificate / Master's Degree